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Microsoft Edge browser Desktop पर किसी भी साइट का शॉर्टकट कैसे बनाएं / Internet Explorer Settings Enable

 How to make any site shortcut on desktop from Microsoft Edge browser
एज ब्राउजर से Desktop पर किसी भी साइट का शॉर्टकट कैसे बनाएं

Microsoft Edge से Desktop  पर किसी भी साइट का शॉर्टकट कैसे बनाएं

  • Lets Go to  Start :
It becomes very difficult in Microsoft Edge as we think that a site
Microsoft Edge एज में यह बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता है क्योंकि हम सोचते हैं कि एक साइट

After opening it, we think that if this site of mine becomes a shortcut on the desktop, how easy it would be.
इसे खोलने के बाद हम सोचते हैं कि अगर मेरी यह साइट Desktop पर शॉर्टकट बन जाए तो कितना आसान होगा।
We see in Microsoft Edge that you have not been given the option of create shortcut.
हम Microsoft Edge में देखते हैं कि आपको क्रिएट शॉर्टकट का ऑप्शन नहीं दिया गया है।

We tell the trick of shortcuts in Microsoft Edge in a very simple way
हम बहुत ही आसान तरीके से Microsoft Edge  में शॉर्टकट की ट्रिक बताते हैं
  • First you see your shortcut in Microsoft Edge
  • There are many tricks to give shortcuts on the desktop.
  • It is very important to give shortcuts on the desktop.
  • Because whatever site you want to open and you are having problem in searching, how to make it
Microsoft Edge  से Desktop  पर किसी भी साइट का शॉर्टकट कैसे बनाएं

First of all, after opening the browser of Microsoft Edge, bookmark any of your sites in it.
Then after holding the bookmarked site with the mouse, release it on the desktop.

Microsoft Edge में छवि के अनुसार देखें, आप देख पाएंगे कि लिंक डेस्कटॉप पर कैसे प्रदर्शित होता है।
See as in the image in Microsoft Edge, you will be able to see how the link is displayed on the desktop.


Internet Explorer Settings Enable  

We tell you the setting to enable Internet Explorer in this blog.

  • First of all, let us tell you that the problem comes in Microsoft Edge Windows 11, Internet Explorer.
  • Internet Explorer is included in Windows 7, 8, 10
  • Internet Explorer is not included in Windows 11
  • Internet Explorer has been brought to Microsoft Edge in Windows 11
  • You will not get to see Internet Explorer separately in Windows 11
  • The following settings are required to enable Internet Explorer in Windows 11
  • Most important is internet explorer settings which is very good for security purpose
  • Internet Explorer can enable security

Let us tell you how to enable Internet Explorer in Microsoft Edge.

Internet Explorer: 

How to Enable Internet Explorer Settings

First of all, after opening the Microsoft Edge browser, go to its  settings

then after that go to the default browser
Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE mode)  (Allow)

Then after this Restart the browser

Then after this we will open the browser by clicking on the appearance in it we will click on the Internet Explorer Mode (EE Mode) button.
as shown in the image

Now our Internet Explorer is enabled.
As shown in the image, the option of Internet Explorer has been given.

Look at the above the Internet has become explorers

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