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Computer Network Data Sharing

    Computer Network Data Sharing

First Method  👇

  • Before we will see whether 2 computers are connected and check with ping command for confirmation

Type for-  Windows +R                   Press  Button   (  Enter  )

Type For  -      CMD                        Press  Button   (  Enter  )

Type For -  Ping            Press  Button   (  Enter  )  Computer No . 2     IP

Type For -  Ping            Press  Button   (  Enter  )   Computer No . 1    IP

 Computer No. 1

Computer No . 2

If Two computers are connected to each other then ping will come otherwise no reply unreachable
If the reply is not coming, then there may be network problem in some seats and firewall and some settings.

Type For 
       Control Panel     ✔
     Windows Defender Firewall    
     Change notification settings  
Similarly we will check the connection Will fix and then reply will start coming

                        First create a folder
Example :.    Mahesh 👇                               ( Folder Name is
                                  properties    👇   Click                  Then right click on the folder
                                      sharing    👇  Click 
                                         Share    👇   Click
                                      Everyone  👇    Add      ( Read Write ) Permission
                                      Advanced Sharing 👇 Click 
                                      Permissions    👇         Click 

Then a Folder Will be shared Like This

   Windows +R  👇           On  Click 
     Example :   \\ 👇     Type For Second Computer IP    Click On    ( Enter 
  Similarly, you can view and read and write your data on different computers.

Second Method 👇


You can also share data by watching videos like this. 


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